Friday, December 04, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
McSherry's Daily Studies has moved...
...over to my exciting and comprehensive new web site at www.mcsherry.ie. You should be able to sign up for the blog which means you'll be notified of all my sharply witty posts -which will include any new daily paintings that I do.
If you've arrived here directly from your copy of the Irish Times; hello! It was very pleasant of them to include my work in their catalogue of highly original gifts for Christmas. Anyway, do take a gander and drop me a line sometime.
Monday, November 02, 2009
No. 103. Looking Towards Leeson Street Bridge

This painting is in oils on stretched canvas: 16" x 20".
Friday, October 30, 2009
No. 102. The Difficult One Hundred and Second Painting [Jasmine]

This has been delicately scenting my studio for the past several weeks. In fact, our jasmine plant had been in flower throughout the summer, much to our surprise. We have two -one is thriving and the other sits there like the spindly runt of the litter, not giving much back.
I mean, you feed them, look after them when they fall and scrape their tendrils, you wait up for them, worried, when they're out till all hours at illegal flower shows and what do they do? Give you the silent treatment with their sullen and droopy fronds and treat the place like a bloody garden centre.
Well not any more. No more choices for lunch; 'Would you like compost or manure, dear?' I even found traces of rooting powder in the bathroom, for crying out loud. Things are going to change around here.
Oils on 8"x10" gessoed panel.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
No. 101. Strawberries Loose

I stood in the garden, darkness all around and gazed back into the kitchen where my eldest girl was washing up the supper things, bathed in warm light. The whole scene was a nocturne, with the contrast between the warm interior and the cool darkened exterior, with the silhouette of the house against the Prussian blue night. So will this be my next large composition?
Nothing at all to do with this little study -but perhaps it'll feed into the doing of my next big painting.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
No. 100. The Four Courts

This particular raiment, I started last night while the telly was blaring away its usual nightly dollop of tish [that's an anagram]. I had intended to paint very loosely and also to play around with perspective. I found an old photograph I had taken back in the late eighties and worked from it. However, any resemblance to the photo ended there, my intention being to imbue my work with whatever intuition decides.
I also allowed myself a very varied palette. For example, instead of white, I used a colour called 'parchment' [how appropriate! It's a grey area...] in the Liquitex range. I've used Liquitex ever since calling into Kennedy's with the excellent English artist and illustrator, Paul Slater. Their paint does have a nice body and a broad range of colours unique to themselves. In there are: Brilliant Yellow Green; Light Green; Brilliant Blue, Cadmium Red Light and Cadmium Orange -neat from the tube.
I've always like to see pointillist work and it's a very pleasurable, forgiving technique too. It gives a romantic sun-drenched sheen which probably would be lost on many of those passing though its forbidding portals. If you don't like it, well...sue me.
Acrylics on 7"x 5" panel. Costs €135 including frame [postage, packing included for customers in Ireland]
Sunday, October 25, 2009
99. Sweet Pepper Jar

On a positive note, I received a letter from someone in Worthing, Sussex about a sketchbook that I'd left behind me in an internet café about a year ago. I had been over in Blighty to see my Godmother as she was ailing. They'd tracked me down on t'internet [naturally] and I phoned them. What lovely people. They assumed that the sketchbook may be valuable to me and they were right. It's often that my sketchbooks contain pencil-work descriptions of my raw ideas and musings, before they get worked up into paintings or illustrations. They're where the fun is and I'm often proud of them -as long as they don't contain too many advertising sketches!
Painted on 7"x 5" panel. Costs €135 including frame [postage, packing included for customers in Ireland]
Thursday, October 22, 2009
98. Three Amigos

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